जीवन के *20* साल हवा की तरह उड़ गए । फिर शुरू हुई *नोकरी* की खोज । ये न的英文翻譯

जीवन के *20* साल हवा की तरह उड़ गए ।

जीवन के *20* साल हवा की तरह उड़ गए । फिर शुरू हुई *नोकरी* की खोज । ये नहीं वो , दूर नहीं पास । ऐसा करते करते *2 .. 3* नोकरियाँ छोड़ने एक तय हुई। थोड़ी स्थिरता की शुरुआत हुई।

फिर हाथ आया पहली तनख्वाह का *चेक*। वह *बैंक* में जमा हुआ और शुरू हुआ अकाउंट में जमा होने वाले *शून्यों* का अंतहीन खेल। *2- 3* वर्ष और निकल गए। बैंक में थोड़े और *शून्य* बढ़ गए। उम्र *27* हो गयी।

और फिर *विवाह* हो गया। जीवन की *राम कहानी* शुरू हो गयी। शुरू के *2 .. 4* साल नर्म , गुलाबी, रसीले , सपनीले गुजरे । हाथो में हाथ डालकर घूमना फिरना, रंग बिरंगे सपने। *पर ये दिन जल्दी ही उड़ गए*।

और फिर *बच्चे* के आने ही आहट हुई। वर्ष भर में *पालना* झूलने लगा। अब सारा ध्यान बच्चे पर केन्द्रित हो गया। उठना - बैठना, खाना - पीना, लाड - दुलार ।

समय कैसे फटाफट निकल गया, पता ही नहीं चला।
*इस बीच कब मेरा हाथ उसके हाथ से निकल गया, बाते- करना घूमना - फिरना कब बंद हो गया दोनों को पता ही न चला*।

*बच्चा* बड़ा होता गया। वो *बच्चे* में व्यस्त हो गयी, मैं अपने *काम* में । घर और गाडी की *क़िस्त*, बच्चे की जिम्मेदारी, शिक्षा और भविष्य की सुविधा और साथ ही बैंक में *शुन्य* बढाने की चिंता। उसने भी अपने आप काम में पूरी तरह झोंक दिया और मेने भी....

इतने में मैं *37* का हो गया। घर, गाडी, बैंक में *शुन्य*, परिवार सब है फिर भी कुछ कमी है ? पर वो है क्या समझ नहीं आया। उसकी चिड चिड बढती गयी, मैं उदासीन होने लगा।

इस बीच दिन बीतते गए। समय गुजरता गया। बच्चा बड़ा होता गया। उसका खुद का संसार तैयार होता गया। कब *10वि* *anniversary*आई और चली गयी पता ही नहीं चला। तब तक दोनों ही *40 42* के हो गए। बैंक में *शुन्य* बढ़ता ही गया।

एक नितांत एकांत क्षण में मुझे वो *गुजरे* दिन याद आये और मौका देख कर उस से कहा " अरे जरा यहाँ आओ, पास बैठो। चलो हाथ में हाथ डालकर कही घूम के आते हैं।"

उसने अजीब नजरो से मुझे देखा और कहा कि " *तुम्हे कुछ भी सूझता* *है यहाँ ढेर सारा काम पड़ा है तुम्हे* *बातो की सूझ रही है*।"
कमर में पल्लू खोंस वो निकल गयी।

तो फिर आया *पैंतालिसवा* साल, आँखों पर चश्मा लग गया, बाल काला रंग छोड़ने लगे, दिमाग में कुछ उलझने शुरू हो गयी।

बेटा उधर कॉलेज में था, इधर बैंक में *शुन्य* बढ़ रहे थे। देखते ही देखते उसका *कॉलेज* ख़त्म। वह अपने पैरो पे खड़ा हो गया। उसके पंख फूटे और उड़ गया *परदेश*।

उसके *बालो का काला* रंग भी उड़ने लगा। कभी कभी दिमाग साथ छोड़ने लगा। उसे *चश्मा* भी लग गया। मैं खुद *बुढा* हो गया। वो भी *उमरदराज* लगने लगी।

दोनों *55* से *60* की और बढ़ने लगे। बैंक के *शून्यों* की कोई खबर नहीं। बाहर आने जाने के कार्यक्रम बंद होने लगे।

अब तो *गोली दवाइयों* के दिन और समय निश्चित होने लगे। *बच्चे* बड़े होंगे तब हम *साथ* रहेंगे सोच कर लिया गया घर अब बोझ लगने लगा। *बच्चे* कब *वापिस* आयेंगे यही सोचते सोचते बाकी के दिन गुजरने लगे।

एक दिन यूँ ही सोफे पे बेठा ठंडी हवा का आनंद ले रहा था। वो दिया बाती कर रही थी। तभी *फोन* की घंटी बजी। लपक के *फोन* उठाया। *दूसरी तरफ बेटा था*। जिसने कहा कि उसने *शादी* कर ली और अब *परदेश* में ही रहेगा।

उसने ये भी कहा कि पिताजी आपके बैंक के *शून्यों* को किसी *वृद्धाश्रम* में दे देना। और *आप भी वही रह लेना*। कुछ और ओपचारिक बाते कह कर बेटे ने फोन रख दिया।

मैं पुन: सोफे पर आकर बेठ गया। उसकी भी पूजा ख़त्म होने को आई थी। मैंने उसे आवाज दी *"चलो आज फिर हाथो में हाथ लेके बात करते हैं*"
*वो तुरंत बोली " अभी आई"।*

मुझे विश्वास नहीं हुआ। *चेहरा ख़ुशी से चमक उठा*। आँखे भर आई। आँखों से आंसू गिरने लगे और गाल भीग गए । अचानक आँखों की *चमक फीकी* पड़ गयी और मैं *निस्तेज* हो गया। हमेशा के लिए !!

उसने शेष पूजा की और मेरे पास आके बैठ गयी " *बोलो क्या बोल रहे थे*?"

लेकिन मेने कुछ नहीं कहा। उसने मेरे शरीर को छू कर देखा। शरीर बिलकुल *ठंडा* पड गया था। मैं उसकी और एकटक देख रहा था।

क्षण भर को वो शून्य हो गयी।
" *क्या करू*? "

उसे कुछ समझ में नहीं आया। लेकिन *एक दो* मिनट में ही वो चेतन्य हो गयी। धीरे से उठी पूजा घर में गयी। एक अगरबत्ती की। *इश्वर को प्रणाम किया*। और फिर से आके सोफे पे बैठ गयी।

मेरा *ठंडा हाथ* अपने हाथो में लिया और बोली
" *चलो कहाँ घुमने चलना है तुम्हे* ? *क्या बातें करनी हैं तुम्हे*?" *बोलो* !!

ऐसा कहते हुए उसकी आँखे भर आई !!......
वो एकटक मुझे देखती रही। *आँखों से अश्रु धारा बह निकली*। मेरा सर उसके कंधो पर गिर गया। ठंडी हवा का झोंका अब भी चल रहा था।

*क्या ये ही जिन्दगी है ? ?*

सब अपना नसीब साथ लेके आते हैं इसलिए कुछ समय अपने लिए भी निकालो । जीवन अपना है तो जीने के तरीके भी अपने रखो। शुरुआत आज से करो। क्यूंकि कल कभी नहीं आएगा।
सभी ग्रुप के मित्रों को समर्पित ये मार्मिक सच।
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Life * 20 * years flew like the wind. Then began a search for * *. These are not them away. Do do * 2. 3 * nokriyan leaving a fix. It was a little stability.Then came the first salary hand * check *. The * Bank * was credited to be deposited in the start-up account * zeros * endless games. * 2-3 * year and nickel. * Zero * increased slightly and at the Bank. Age * 27 *.And then * marriage *. Life * RAM * start the story. Start * 2. 4 * soft, pink, juicy, sapnile the year elapsed. Put hand in hand walking Rev, color colourful dreams. * Sped * these days soon.And then only the arrival of the baby can see the occurred * *. * Cradle * dangling throughout the year. Now concentrate on the child. Get up-sit, drink, food-lad-caress.Time didn't realize how instantaneous was removed.* Meanwhile slipped from his hand, when thinking about my hand-outing when closed to both realize run *.* Baby * big. They're busy, I * child * his * work *. Home and car of the child's responsibility, education * kist and facilitate the future as well as raising the concern of the Bank * zero *. He also threw in its own work and I. ... So I * 37 *. Home, car, bank * zero *, family is all some loss? But what makes sense. Chid her chid growing, I'm indifferent.Meanwhile the day pass by. Time passes. The baby was large. Prepares his own world. When * 10V * anniversary * and gone didn't realize. Until then * both * 40 42. * Zero * increases in the Bank.He is a very lonely place to remember me at the moment have elapsed * day * and seeing the chance said "Hey just come here, sit nearby. Let's put hand in hand called roaming. "He looked at me and said "strange fiercely * anything * is * here you sujhta have had a lot of work you ** Scorpio is come up *. "Khons afford at the waist that nickel.Then came * paintalisva * year, eyes glasses look, hair black, leaving starting some complications in the brain.Son thither was in College, here in the Bank * submissions * were. See her looking * College * frying. He stood on his feet. Her wings * borderland * jagged and flew away.Then * hair * color black fly. Sometimes leaving with the brain. It * also * been looking glasses. I * budha *. He also umradraj * takes *.Both * 55 * to * 60 * and began to grow. No news of * Bank's * zeros. To exit the program off.Now the * exact day and time of having to shoot drugs *. * Child * will * continue * with big we were thinking home now takes the burden. * Baby * how * they will think the same think rest day * back to pass.One day simply sofa PE betha was enjoying the cool air. He was given the wick. * Only * phone rang. Catch * phone *. * On the other hand had a son *. Who said he * married * and * now * in the borderland.He also said dad your bank * in * a * lodging * zeros. And you take the same longer *. Talk some more opcharik say son hung up.I came to beth on the couch again. Her worship was to be finished. I gave her voice * "Let's talk again today in the hands hand done, *"* They immediately bid "right now". *I do not believe. * Face * pick up the glow of happiness. Around the eyes. Tears began to fall from the eyes and cheeks were wet. Suddenly the eyes * glow * have poor translation and I * languished *. Forever!!!He sat down on the rest of the worship and come to me "* speaking * say what?"But I didn't say anything. She touch my body. The body was cold at all * done. I was watching her and we are too.Momentarily she is zero."* Are you almost don't *?"It did not understand. But those two in a * minute chetanya. Woke up slowly in the shrine. A incense sticks. * Up to have a tribute *. And come sit on the couch again.My cold hands in his hands and bid"* Let's walk where you rotate *? * What are you talk *? "* speak *!!!It came around her eyes to say!!! ......That we perceive me. * Eyes tear turned out flowing stream *. My head fell on his shoulders. Was still running cool slat.* Are these life?? *All guides with your luck for some time to come so get your. Live your life, your way. Beginning from today. Because tomorrow will never come. Dedicated to all group of these poignant truth.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
* 20 * years of life flew like the wind. * * Job search began again. It's not, not pass away. .. 3 * 2 * to do a fixed Nokriya leave. The beginning of some stability.

Then came the hand of the first salary * Czech *. * Bank * ingrained into account the start-up and stored in the endless game of * * zeroes. * 2 3 * years and left. * Zero * in the bank and have increased slightly. Age 27 * was *.

* And * got married. * * Rama's life story began. * 2 years from the start .. 4 * Soft, pink, juicy, Spanile elapsed. Walking hand in hand walk, colorful dreams. * * But the day soon flew.

And then there was the sound coming from the child *. * Cradle * was dangling over the years. Now the focus has to be child-centered. Get up - sit, eat - drink, LAD - caress.

How quickly time has passed, did not realize.
* Meanwhile, when my hand slipped out of his hand, walking to Bate- - rev not have known both when closed * gone.

* child * grew. * Baby * was she busy, I work in * your *. * * Installment of the home and the car, the child's responsibility, as well as education and facilitate future increase in the bank's concern * zero *. He threw himself fully into the matter and the work ....

so I went to * 37 *. Home, car, bank * zero *, family is all still there is something missing? On what they do not understand. Feeling touchy been increasing her Feeling touchy, I felt indifferent.

The day unfolded. Time went on. The child grows. His own world was ready. * 10 V * * anniversary * When I went and did not realize. By then both turned 42 * * 40. * Zero * in the bank has increased.

* He passed me in a moment of utter aloneness and had missed the chance to see the day that said, "Hey, just come here, sit. Let's come hand in hand was wandering."

he looked at me strangely and said Njro "* * * If you fail to see anything here have had a lot of work you have ideas of things * * *."
he walked around the waist drape Khons.

then came Pantaliswa * years * , took glasses, black hair began dropping, mind some complications ensued.

the son was in college here were growing in the bank * zero *. Looking over his sight * college *. He stood on his feet. * Tunes abroad her wings and flew away. *

Her * black * color of hair was flying. Sometimes the brain was leaving. * * Also took her glasses. * * I myself was oldie. * * Looks like he Umrdraj.

Both of * 55 * * 60 * and began to move. * * No report of Bank zeroes. Getting out and started to close the program.

Now there were certain days and time * * tablet medicines. With children * * * * will grow and we will continue to burden now seemed to think was home. * Back * * * How will the children think that the rest of the day passes began to think.

One day simply sitting on the couch, enjoying the cool breeze. He was given the wick. Phone rang then. Phone to catch up. * * On the other hand son. Who said that he had * marriage * and * now * will remain in exile.

He also said that a father of your bank * * * lodging * give zeros. And * you * to be the same. Some more formal talks, saying the son hung up the phone.

I again sit down on the couch. There was also the end of his worship. I voiced * "Let's talk again today Lecce hand in hand *"
* He immediately quote "be right back". *

I did not believe. * * Face lights up with joy. Eyes were filled. Eyes began to tear and wet cheeks. * Sparkle * eyes suddenly fell pale and languid I * was *. Forever !!

He worshiped balance and come and sat beside me, "was speaking * * Say what?"

But the matter did not say anything. He touched my body looked. * Have to * his body was cold. I was looking at her and screaming.

That moment was zero.
"What do I do?"

He did not understand anything. But * two * One minute she was Chetanya. Arose in worship slowly went home. One of incense. * God * saluted. And then come and sat on the couch.

I took on my hands * * Cold hands and said
, "Let's go where you wander? * What are the things you have to?" * Speak * !!

!! ...... come over his eyes while saying
he was staring at me. * Eyes * tears flowing out. My head fell on his shoulders. The cool breeze was still going on.

What is the life itself? *

Take the fall with all my luck so also get some time for yourself. If your way of living your life to keep. Beginning from today up. Because tomorrow would never come.
All the friends group dedicated the poignant truth.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
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